
Archive for December, 2010

With life and time slowing down a bit during the holidays, we had a chance to get outdoors and take some photos of some of the things that we adore about living in the country.  No hustle or bustle, just critters and quiet.

Yesterday our Ruffed Grouse came in for a visit on Christmas day.  In the neighborhood we are calling this one crazy little ruffed grouse.  He has been bouncing off my neighbor’s head while on a tractor, trying to come through my brother’s open truck window, allowing my teenage son to pet him while he is cutting down raspberry canes, and did a dance with me on the road just yesterday. 

One crazy little ruffed grouse.

Today I went for a walk and Pat for a run, as January is one of the best months of the year to don a coat, hat, and mittens and hit the hills. 

Icy Red Dogwood

The Peterman Brook

Mullein that thinks it's a cactus...reaching for the sky like the silos.

Echinacea and ornamental grass left for winter interest

Last but not least, a happy little girl’s face as Grandpa presents her with her new Radio Flyer wagon.

Kaelyn and her new Radio Flyer wagon

We hope your holidays were healthy, happy, herbal and humorous!

Pat & Deb Doubek

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Here is my list of the top 5 things I really like as a soap maker:

1.  I like my Braun stick blender…wouldn’t make soap without it.  I have heard people say they like to stir by hand the  old-fashioned way, not me, I’ll take my stick blender in one hand and stir with the other!

2.  I like it when I see trace in my soap.  This is very hard to photograph but when you are mixing your soap you should eventually see a “pudding skin” effect on the top of your creamy soap pot. 

3.  I like it when my soap saponifies.  This is the chemical reaction that occurs after you have poured your soap into the mold.

4.  I like it when my soap log releases from the mold easily and I do not have to pounce, push, and pull to get it out.

5.  Last but not least, I absolutely love having my own space to make soap.  This is my WOMAN cave.  Gone are the days of moving things in and out of the kitchen, trying to remember where I left something last, and trying to make soap when at exactly the same time one of the men in the house decides to fry a hamburger.

Happy herbal holiday,

Deb Doubek

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Peterman Brook Herb Farm’s

Cracked Peppercorn Potato Soup 

This is great way to use up left over Christmas mashed potatoes and ham. 


3 lbs or 15 medium size potatoes peeled and cut in ½ or left over leftover mashed potatoes

Water to boil potatoes

Instant potatoes (optional)

Milk – have a gallon on hand

1 can of cream of mushroom or other creamed soup

1/3 c diced onions or 1 tsp onion powder (optional)

1-2 tsp cracked peppercorns

1-2 tsp kosher salt

Cubed and cooked ham

¼ c. butter (optional) 

If not using left over potatoes, peel and boil about 15 medium size potatoes in a large, stockpot. If you are using diced onions include them in the boiling process.  When potatoes are soft, drain all but 2 or 3 cups of liquid and mash the potatoes in the remaining liquid and continue to cook.  (If using leftovers, place them in a stockpot.)  Add the creamed soup and milk to a desired consistency.  Shake in a few instant potatoes if you would like.  Add in ½ of your kosher salt, cracked peppercorns, and onion salt if opted to use this vs. diced onions.  Chop ham into small pieces and add to the boiling soup.  You can continue to add milk to desired consistency. Taste test to see if you desire to use the second tsp. of peppercorns and kosher salt.  Continue to let boil until potatoes are soft.  If potatoes are still lumpy and you want more creaminess, use an electric mixer.  Just before turning off the heat, add ¼ cup of butter to kettle if you aren’t watching fat intake 😉

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Yesterday at a the Menominee Forensics 2010 Holiday Arts and Craft Show  I met the cutest young lady named Madelyn.  So cute she is, I had to snap a photo of her (see below). 

It was adorable watching her sniff every soap scent and at times her face would light up and at other times she would crinkle her nose.  She was out shopping with her Mother, Sister, and Grandmother.  A while later they came back with Madelyn as she was given a choice of a small treat of candy or something else at the show.  Madelyn wanted a tube of natural lip balm that is naturally colored with beet root powder over candy.  I applauded her for that, not because she purchased a $3 tube of lip balm from our store, but because she made such a healthy choice for a gal that stood only 3 feet tall!

natural skin care, lip balm

Madelyn sniffing the different soap scents

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